
2023 Chancellor William C. Graham Award Recipients

Posted: November 01, 2023

Recipients of the Chancellor Graham Awards 2023Caring, giving and community-focused – these are just a few words to describe the eight outstanding members of the ߲Ƶ community who are the recipients of the 2023 Chancellor William C. Graham Awards.

The awards recognize Trinity students, staff, faculty and alumni who demonstrate commitment to improving the spirit of caring and fostering a positive environment at the college. Congratulations to this year’s recipients (image: left to right):

  • top row: staff – Carae Henry and Gabriel Wee; and faculty – Walter Deller and Tim Sayle
  • lower row: students – Mariana Castrillon and Emily Qin; and alumni – Carolyn Kearns and Michael Royce

In its fifth year, the Chancellor William C. Graham Awards are given in honour of Chancellor Graham’s generosity of spirit and leadership, and immeasurable contributions to the Trinity community. The Hon. Bill Graham served as Trinity’s 12th Chancellor from 2007 until his passing in August 2022.

“Chancellor Graham was always Trinity’s champion, supporting us in every way and ensuring a bright future for the college. Extraordinarily generous, he made a difference through his immeasurable contributions to Trinity and beyond, and he inspired so many others to do the same,” Provost Mayo Moran said. “With the Chancellor William C. Graham Awards, we honour his memory and legacy, and the impact he has had on the Trinity community. I know that Chancellor Graham would be truly proud of this year’s recipients for helping to make the College a more welcoming and positive place. On behalf of the College, we extend a special thank you to our 2023 recipients for being such as inspiration, for their positive attitude to all that they do for our college, and for making Trinity a supportive place to learn, live and work.”

The Chancellor William C. Graham Awards are given annually to individuals in the four categories: current students; administrative and service staff; academic staff; and alumni. The recipients of the 2023 Chancellor William C. Graham Awards were announced at the Fall Meeting of Corporation, which was held virtually on October 26, 2023.

Below, the summary citation for each recipient is based on the statement provided by the nominator and others in support of the candidate. The citations are brief and will certainly not capture all they contribute to the College, but will give you a snapshot of their impact.

Carae Henry

Carae Henry is one of Trinity’s Community Wellness Coordinators. Rae provides leadership to the College’s student-focused wellness programming and has spearheaded many initiatives since starting in the role in July 2022. Rae has developed and provided a series of educational workshops for student staff and student leaders related to equity, diversity, inclusion, and access; organized a Black Thought Café during Black History Month; and held a support circle for students impacted by violence and war in April 2023. Rae has made resources more student-centred and accessible and has contributed significantly to making Trinity a positive and welcoming community.

Gabriel Wee

Gabriel Wee joined Trinity a little over two years ago as the assistant for the Trinity academic programs in Ethics, Society & Law and International Relations. He has been an incredible asset in all areas of both programs. Gabriel helps foster positive relationships with students, faculty and staff, and has helped make the programs and College feel friendly and vibrant. Gabriel has taken the lead on many program projects, such as supporting student and alumni associations, and has fostered a real sense of community on campus. Gabriel is an invaluable part of what makes Trinity a wonderful place to work, study, live and visit.

Walter Deller

Dr. Walter Deller is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Divinity and serves as Director of Field Education. Beyond these duties, he also serves on Toronto School of Theology committees, the University of Toronto’s Ethics Review Board (humanities and social sciences) and as the Vice-Chair of ߲Ƶ Senate. His teaching and support of Divinity students is highly appreciated and he is a hospitable and supportive educator who is able to adapt to the particular needs and backgrounds of students. Dr. Deller is a supportive colleague and a committed contributor to many areas of the life of the College. He is committed to an inclusive and encouraging College culture and captures the spirit of commitment that the Chancellor Graham Award intends to recognize.

Tim Sayle

Professor Timothy Sayle is the Director of the International Relations (IR) Program. He demonstrates a deep dedication to the undergraduate academic experience of our students and has been praised as an excellent and committed teacher. As Director, he has made continuous improvements, supporting both the academic strengthening of the program and initiatives that help foster a strong community through work with the IR student society and IR alumni. His leadership and focus on community has made International Relations a model college-based program and helped the College strengthen its role as an academic institution that provides a quality student experience both inside and outside of the classroom.

Mariana Castrillon

Mariana Castrillon is a current student and an exceptional member of Trinity’s Community Advisor team, currently in her second year in the role. Her impact is felt by the many students in her residence community. She volunteers her time for many important activities at Trinity, including spending time as a Mental Health Peer Advisor and volunteering for various committees. Mariana is a shining example of the impact that caring and involved students can have on the experience of their peers. She is a positive force within the Trinity community and deserves to be recognized for all she quietly does to make the College a better place.

Emily Qin

Emily Qin is a current student and has been involved with ߲Ƶ’s Orientation as an executive and leader, and as a Wellness and Student Life Programming Assistant. Emily has held many positions in student clubs including the ߲Ƶ Multicultural Society (TCMS). She was recently elected as the Head of Arts and a Member of the Equity Committee, and has shown eagerness to participate in the Senate and Standing Committees such as the Community Affairs Committee. Emily’s outstanding leadership and wide-ranging contributions to creating a supportive and stronger community at ߲Ƶ make her a highly deserving recipient of this award.

Carolyn Kearns

Carolyn Kearns embodies the spirit of giving back. As a graduate of 7T2, Carolyn has never let the College stray too far from her attention. She has contributed to College governance and was Chair of the Board of Trustees and is currently co-chair of the Living Trinity Campaign. Carolyn has been a central force in making sure that the College fulfills its vision of being a place where everyone can belong, study and live. The benefits that the current campaign will have for the College, including the incredible new Lawson Centre for Sustainability, will be a lasting legacy. One of Trinity’s strengths is its dedicated community of alumni, and there is no better example of the impact that our graduates have on ensuring Trinity is a positive and vibrant community than the contributions made by Carolyn.

Michael Royce

Michael Royce is a graduate of 6T8. He has been focused on giving back to Trinity to help the College achieve its goals as a leader in higher education, and to cement the College’s values and importance placed on the student experience and student well-being. Michael is the other co-chair of the Living Trinity campaign, and has contributed in other roles in College governance as an alumnus. In addition to these already significant contributions, Michael and his wife Sheila Royce, provided a gift to the College to support wellness programming through the ߲Ƶ Mental Health Program, which has been instrumental in ensuring that Trinity is a welcoming place where students feel heard and supported. The College could not do all that it does, or be the place that it is, without the leadership provided by alumni like Michael Royce.