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Professional Theological Education

The objective of the Professional Theological Education program is growth in understanding and formation of persons for ordained ministry. This objective is fostered by the pursuit of three interrelated goals. First is the intellectual understanding of Christian faith and tradition, which is pursued by means of study in four departments: Biblical, Historical, Theological, and Pastoral. Second is practice in the art of ministry. This art is learned not only in the classroom but also where ministry occurs. Third is the commitment to personal and spiritual growth, both individually and within the many communities in which we live. All three of these goals need to be integrated within the life of each individual student.


°Õ³ó±ðÌýMaster of Divinity (MDiv) program is directed to the education and formation of persons for ordained ministry in the Anglican Church of Canada. In addition to providing for the intellectual understanding of the Christian faith and tradition, students are formed in the practice of worship and ministry.

The MDiv with Concentration in Orthodox and Eastern Christian Studies (with 18 of 30 credits taken in Orthodox courses) serves students from both Eastern and Oriental Orthodox traditions who are preparing for ordained ministry or lay leadership roles within the church.

Master of Divinity (Honours)

The Master of Divinity degree with honours is especially recommended for students who think of pursuing advanced degree study.


Integral to the MDiv program is theological field education. A wide variety of placements may be undertaken, including parishes, hospitals, prisons and social service agencies. The focal point of theological field education is a full-time supervised Internship undertaken in the fourth term of study. Structured in this fashion, students are able to pay special attention to integrating their theoretical work with their practical training throughout the whole of their study program.


Spiritual formation at Trinity is rooted in the corporate prayer and public liturgy of the Church. Theology students, like all Christians, are expected to be faithful in their participation in the Daily Office and the Eucharist (or, for Orthodox students, ). Each student is expected to strive for a disciplined personal spiritual life consisting of regular times for prayer and meditation, retreat and spiritual direction. The Faculty of Divinity sponsors an annual retreat as well as periodic quiet days, and other structured opportunities for prayer and meditation. Spiritual Direction is required (and funded) for all MDiv students.


Trinity has provided me with the space and support to develop the skills needed for ministry both in and out of the classroom.

Through a combined focus on scholarship, community, personal growth and one-on-one support, I have become more confident in my abilities to undertake a religious vocation in the church or related field.

- Jessica Watts, MDiv Candidate (Class of 2021)

Jessica Watts is a Faculty of Divinity student



  • Part-time studies: Two full-time terms are required for the MDiv degree. Other terms can be taken on a part-time basis.
  • Commuting students: Students whose homes are a distance from Toronto may commute readily and organize their formal studies on one or two days per week. Overnight rooms are available for commuting students.
  • Studies for those who are not graduates: The Faculty of Divinity admits a limited number of students without University degrees whose life experience and aspirations qualify them for such studies.
  • Studies for those who are not Anglicans: We welcome those who seek to prepare for ministry in other traditions and will collaborate with those traditions to adapt our requirements accordingly for such students. We have successfully accommodated several students from Orthodox and Oriental Churches into the MDiv program in recent years.
  • Studies for those who are not Anglicans or Orthodox: We welcome those who seek to prepare for ministry in other traditions and will collaborate with those traditions to adapt our requirements accordingly for such students.
  • Students from the Episcopal Church: The MDiv program meets the ordination requirements of the Episcopal Church of the U.S.A. Although students from outside Canada are asked to pay higher fees, such fees are often lower than fees for domestic students in the United States.

º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ degrees are conjointly awarded by º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ and the University of Toronto. Students should keep in mind that decisions about ordination are made by the Church and not by º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ.


If you have any questions about the program, contact:

Faculty of Divinity

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