Master of Divinity

This three-year Master of Divinity (MDiv) program is directed to the education and formation of persons for ordained ministry in the Anglican Church of Canada. Students from both Eastern and Oriental Orthodox traditions who are preparing for ordained ministry or lay leadership roles within the church can choose the MDiv with a Concentration in Orthodox and Eastern Christian (with a minimum of 18 of 30 credits from Orthodox studies).

In addition to providing for the intellectual understanding of the Christian faith and tradition, students are formed in the practice of worship and ministry. The program is also directed to the student’s personal and spiritual growth. Except for two full-time terms, one of which may be the Internship, the program may be completed entirely on a part-time basis.

Master of Divinity hybrid delivery

For students living at a distance, the MDiv has a hybrid option, which allows for up to 66% of the coursework of the entire program being online. As part of that coursework, students on the hybrid pathway will be able to complete their field education in ministry at sites outside the Greater Toronto Area while under the supervision of professors at their home colleges, who will help them to reflect on their field education experiences.

Admission to the MDiv Program

Click here for admission requirements, application procedure and forms.

Financial Assistance

The Faculty of Divinity provides financial support to assist students in making time for their studies with º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ, including bursaries. Currently, we are able to provide financial assistance up to 100% of tuition costs for those seeking ordination in the Anglican Church of Canada.

Faculty Advisor

The MDiv advisor is the dean of Divinity, the Rev’d Dr. Christopher Brittain. Orthodox students also have Fr Geoffrey Ready, Director of Orthodox Studies, available for program advice. You will consult with your advisor prior to course registration in order to arrange a balanced program of studies that suits your educational and vocational goals. It remains your responsibility to ensure that all program requirements are fulfilled to be eligible to graduate. Your faculty advisor is available at any time throughout the academic year.


To complete the MDiv at Trinity, 30 credits are required. One credit is given for each semester course successfully completed. Normally, courses meet once a week for two hours. Courses are offered at º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ and at the other cooperating schools of the Toronto School of Theology and are listed in the . Students must complete, in addition to the thirty-course credits, certain College program requirements.

Full-time standing requires enrollment in four or more courses per term. Part-time standing is enrollment in three or fewer courses per term. To complete the MDiv, each student must have at least two semesters with full-time standing.



Students will take courses from four program areas (biblical, historical, pastoral and theological studies), along with theological field education and open electives. Normally, 15 credits must be completed before the internship semester. Students must be able to demonstrate a sensitivity to issues of globalization in their theological studies and should consult their advisor on ways to ensure this component is in their program of study.

Anglican Concentration Orthodox concentration




  • TRT2110H Reading the New Testament Ìý´Ç°ù _ B1501H_ Introduction to New Testament
  • TRB100_H Introduction to Old Testament 1
  • TRB1094H Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament 2
  • 1 Elective in the New Testament


  • TRB1007HÌýIntroduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament – Part 1
  • TRH3455H Orthodox Understanding of the Old Testament and Contemporary Orthodox Exegesis
  • TRT2110HÌýLiving Tradition: Reading the New Testament
  • TRB1901H Accessing Hebrew and Greek without Knowing the Languages or a Biblical language or Bible elective



  • TRJ2631H Anglican History and Theology
  • 3 Electives (recommended: TRH1011 Why Study Church History?)
  • TRH1011 Why Study Church History?
  • TRH2412 Age of Schisms: History of the Eastern Churches 451-1204
  • TRH2414HÌýModern History of the Orthodox Churches (1204 to Present)



  • TRP1622H God’s Mission and the Church’s Call
  • TRP2202H Spiritual Formation in the Anglican Tradition
  • TRP1111H The Principles and Practices of Liturgy and Church Music
  • TRP2665H Life and Death in the Wilderness
  • TRP2311H Proclaiming the Kingdom – or a similar course in Preaching/Homiletics
  • TRP3523H Trauma, Healing, and Transformation: Psychodynamic Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives
  • TRP2721H Nuts and Bolts of Congregational Administration
  • 1 additional course in Liturgy




  • TRP2665HÌýLife and Death in the Wilderness
  • TRP2721HÌýCongregational Administration Nuts and Bolts (or, for those not pursuing parish ministry, an additional pastoral course from those listed below)
  • TRP3523HÌýTrauma, Healing, and Transformation: Psychodynamic Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives
Liturgy and homiletics
  • TRP3102HÌýOrthodox Eucharistic Liturgies and Liturgical Theology
  • TRP3115H Sanctification of Life: The Orthodox Mysteries (Sacraments)
  • TRP2171HÌýSanctification of Time: Orthodox Liturgy of the Hours and Liturgical Year
  • TRP2311HÌýProclaiming the Kingdom: Homiletics and Liturgical Celebration
Theology Theology
  • TRT1101H God and Creation: Christian Theology
  • TRT1103H Living in the Spirit – Christian Theology 2
  • TRT2942H Ethics and Society
  • TRT3566H Studies in Anglican Theology


  • TRT2111H Orthodox Iconology: Iconography in a Worship Context
  • TRT2504H Early Thought, Doctrine and Theology in the Church Fathers and MothersÌý
  • TRT2311H Fundamentals of Orthodox SpiritualityÌý
  • TRT3661H Salvation Is from the Jews: Christianity and Judaism in Theological Perspective and DialogueÌý
  • TRH2401H Mediaeval Eastern Thought Doctrine and Theology: from Maximus to PalamasÌý
  • TRH2452H Modern Orthodox Theology (15th to 21st c)Ìý
  • TRH2455H Living in the Spirit: Orthodox Spirituality for Modern Times
  • TRP2172H The Human Person in Orthodox TraditionÌý
  • TRP2841H Theology and Spirituality of Icons
Applied Theology
  • TRT2942HÌýEthics and Society (NB: must be taken before the full-time internship)
  • TRT3913HÌýOrthodox Life I: Eastern Christian Understanding of Ethics and the Person
  • TRT3914HÌýOrthodox Life II: Eastern Christian Understanding of Ethics, Society and the World
Field Education Field Education
  • TRD3010Y** Parish Ministry
  • TRD3020H** Christian Education
  • TRD3030H** Theology of Ministry
  • TRD3010Y** Parish Ministry
  • TRD3020H** Christian Education
  • TRD3030H** Theology of Ministry
Open electives Two additional courses from the following
  • One basic unit (two credits) of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)
  • Honours MDiv thesis (two credits)
  • Other elective courses in any area of study




  • TRP3405H Renewing Catechesis and Discipleship
  • TRP2661H The Church of the Margins
  • TRP2651H Orthodox Missions and Evangelism
  • TRP3261H Mystical Traditions and the Sacred Journey of Transformation: Narrative, Ritual, and Entheogens
Open electives
  • One basic unit (two credits) of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)
  • Honours MDiv thesis (two credits)
  • Other elective courses in any area of study

Total = 30 courses or 15.0 credits

Total = 30 courses or 15.0 credits


H – one credit
Y – two credits
* Strongly recommended
** See Theological Field Education and Parish Internship below
*** See Liturgical Formation below

Note: A Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) unit or a Pastoral Counselling Education (PCE) is not a required part of the MDiv program but is strongly recommended. Some dioceses require CPE for ordination. A CPE unit is best undertaken as a 12-week full-time placement in the April to June period. However, extended units are available during the academic year. PCE is available only in extended units. A CPE/PCE unit undertaken in a program approved or accredited by the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care (CASC/ACSS) receives 2 course credits.

º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ Faculty of Divinity Course Listing

Theological Field Education and Internship

A person’s theological education does not begin at º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ, nor does it end upon graduation. A fundamental assumption of the curriculum is that education in theology is an ongoing process of responding to the various forms of ministry to which Christians are called by their baptism.

Theological field educationÌýprovides students with an opportunity to establish specific learning objectives of expertise in the art of ministry under the guidance of experienced parish clergy or other well-qualified supervisors. Students should meet with the Director of Field Education and Internship early in their entering term to plan an appropriate course of activities/studies. Theological Field Education consists of three phases: the pre-internship phase, the internship and the post-internship phase.

Developing Leaders for Church and Society

The Faculty of Divinity has designed our programs to meet the academic requirements for lay and ordained leadership in the Church and in society and is concerned also with providing for the personal, professional and spiritual development of its students. All our academic studies are offered within the context of a worshipping community: the Eucharist and Offices are celebrated daily in the renowned º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ Chapel. Academic studies are complemented by a variety of courses designed to provide the student an opportunity to combine the theoretical with the practical.

Liturgical Formation

Among the goals of º¬Ðß²ÝÊÓƵ is to assist in the formation of people who will be able to preside or assist at the liturgy of the church knowledgeably and with dignity. We intend for our graduates to be able to draw continuing nourishment from the liturgy and be able to lead others into its spiritual resources. Liturgical formation at Trinity consists of three parts: regular worship in chapel, classroom sessions, and practica in singing, reading, leading the prayers of the people, preaching and eucharistic presiding at the eucharist. Each component is vital for a well-founded preparation in the areas of liturgics and homiletics.

Liturgical Formation, a crucial part of preparation for ordained ministry, unfolds in the following activities:

  • regular participation/leadership in Chapel liturgies (view Chapel Requirements);
  • participation in Liturgy Teams (see below);
  • music and homiletics (theory & performance);
  • phenomenological and theological reflection on the practice of ministry and
  • reading, journaling, book reports and short reflection papers.

Liturgy Teams

The responsibility for the weekly planning of the liturgy belongs to the Liturgy Teams. Working with the Rev’d Andrea Budgey and the Director of Music, Thomas Bell; each team meets a week in advance to assign the various liturgical ministries among its members and to do the necessary liturgical planning. Those who are intending ordination in the Anglican Church are required to be a member of a chapel team at least once each term they are at the College.

The teams work collegially throughout the week for which they are responsible. They exercise a variety of liturgical ministries as they read, preach, lead the prayers of the people, act as acolyte and thurifer, officiate at the Offices, distribute communion, assist at the Eucharist, and take the role of Liturgical Coordinator (LC). In the week following their turn on the team, members reflect on their experience and evaluate what went well and what might be done differently in the future.

Training for the various liturgical ministries is a part of preparation for the week. The Dean and other staff members are resources for training during the team’s term of duty. Team members are expected to help and support one another through the week. The Liturgical Coordinator (LC) leads a rehearsal for those exercising a number of duties at the principal Community Eucharist on Tuesdays. Attendance at both rehearsals and the week’s liturgies is an integral part of the team’s responsibilities.

Liturgy Teams have become an important part of our community life. Because they rely on collegiality for their effectiveness, it is imperative that team members participate as fully as possible in all the liturgies during their week. (This may mean making arrangements for some of your other responsibilities during the week you are on the team and on the preceding Wednesday for planning and for the evaluation meeting.) Working together and respecting the gifts each of us has been given has a significant effect on building up our common life of prayer.

Spiritual Formation

Spiritual formation is rooted in the corporate prayer and public liturgy of the Church. Theology students, like all Christians, are expected to be faithful in their participation in the Daily Office and the Eucharist. Moreover, each student is expected to strive for a disciplined personal spiritual life consisting of regular times for prayer and meditation, retreat and spiritual direction. The Faculty of Divinity sponsors an annual retreat, as well as periodic quiet days and other structured opportunities for prayer and meditation. In addition, the Faculty provides a resource person who is available to students for information, guidance and support in the areas of prayer and spirituality.

Clinical Pastoral Education

A Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) unit is not a required part of the M.Div. program but is recommended. A CPE unit is best undertaken as a 12-week full-time placement in the April-June period. However, extended units are available during the academic year. A CPE unit undertaken in a programme approved or accredited by the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care (CASC/ACSS) receives 2 course credits.

Ordination Requirements

Students considering ordination are advised to meet with a bishop (or his/her official deputy) as soon as possible in order to ascertain the process for ordination to the presbyterate and/or diaconate in that particular diocese. Some dioceses set academic requirements for their ordinands and offer direction concerning course selection or distribution. Students should inform the Faculty of any requirements or recommendations (e.g., clinical pastoral education or summer parish placements) which may be in addition to the college course or field education requirements.

Bishop's Letters

Policy for reporting on M. Div. Students to Diocesan Bishops or Other Ecclesiastical Authorities

* M.Div. students should submit Field Education Internship and CPE/PCE evaluations directly to their Bishops or other church authorities. Note that these evaluations are complete only when both the supervisor’s and the student’s reports are submitted.

* M.Div. students who require an evaluative report from the Faculty of Divinity for their diocesan bishop, candidates committee, or other church authority may request such a report in writing to the Dean, giving at least one month’s notice. It is up to the student to ascertain when such reports are required by the church and to give timely notice to the Faculty.

Normally, the report will be drafted in the following way:

  1. When s/he receives a request for a report, the Dean will meet with the student to discuss his or her progress in the degree programme and to make suggestions concerning the report’s content, reviewing Student Self-Assessment of Degree Outcomes completed by the student.
  2. The Dean will write a first draft of the report.
  3. The report will be read and discussed at a regular meeting of the Teaching Staff. If necessary, other TST professors or field educators will be asked for input.
  4. The Dean will revise the report (if necessary) based on comments from the teaching staff (and other appropriate college personnel).
  5. The final draft of the letter will be signed by the Dean.
  6. The student will be asked to meet with the Dean in order to read the final draft of the report. Upon reading the report, the student has two options: a) S/he may sign the report (with or without comments), thereby indicating that the report may be sent immediately to the appropriate authority; b) s/he may choose not to sign the report, in which case the report will be kept on file but not released until the student consents in writing.
  7. Subsequent reports may consist simply of brief updates on the original report concerning the student’s recent progress through the degree programme (e.g. internship, recent marks or prizes, etc.).


If you have questions, please contact the Master of Divinity faculty advisor, The Rev. Dr. Christopher Brittain, at chris.brittain@utoronto.caÌý´Ç°ùÌý416-978-7750.

If you have any questions about the program, contact:

Faculty of Divinity
416 978-2133

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